Dryobalanops oblongifolia: Little white stars on the ground
Dryobalanops oblongifolia or keladan is a tree species of Dipterocarpaceae family, a close relative to kapur or Dryobalanops aromatica which is an important source of camphor. The species name oblongifolia refers to the shape of the leaf, (oblongus = rather long and folium = leaf) while aromatica refers to the aromatics in kapur trees. Keladan timber is moderately heavy and traded under the kapur group, used for wharf decking, bridges, shipbuilding and railway sleepers. The fruits make excellent raw vegetable. Keladan are emergent trees, about 55 m tall, found in mixed dipterocarp forests of Borneo, Sumatera and Peninsular Malaysia. Keladan is threatened due to habitat loss. The conservation status is endangered according to Symington (2004) but reported as least concern in the IUCN Red Data book (2008).
Starting from December 2013, newly germinated seedlings of keladan can be seen decorating the forest floor around the mother trees.
Article by Khairudin K dan Noor Azlin Y. Uploaded on 9 January 2013. The weekly weather was cloudy and rainy, between 29° to 32° Celcius.