Flowers of the Barringtonia

Barringtonia macrostachya or locally known as putat is an understorey tree of primary and secondary forest found along rivers and on hills or inundated forest and swampy areas. The species is widespread, from China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatera, Borneo, Philippines, Sulawesi to the Moluccas. Putat has known medicinal values.

The paste made from the putat roots has been traditionally used to treat sore eyes and ring worm. The bark or pounded fruit are used as fish poison. The leaves of putat are used to treat stomach-ache. A member of the family Lecythidaceae Barringtonia macrostachya tree can be seen at the Non-Dipterocrap arboretum. The conservation status of this species is Least Concern.

Pictures by Zawiyah Ngah and Naimah Long.

Fruiting putat tree can be observed at Non-dipterocarp Arboretum

Fruiting putat tree can be observed at Non-dipterocarp Arboretum

The putat flower buds are deep pink and attractive

The putat flower buds are deep pink and attractive

Powder puff like putat flowers will emerge from the buds

Powder puff like putat flowers will emerge from the buds